Gabriele Schabacher

Gabriele Schabacher is professor and chair of media and culture studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. She is deputy spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center 1482 »Studies in Human Categorization« and principal investigator of the project »Urban Control Regimes. Railway Stations as Infrastructure of Human Categorization«. Her main areas of research are media theory and history of traffic, mobilities and infrastructures, cultural techniques of repair, and urban regimes of surveillance.

Selected publications:

Schabacher, Gabriele (2022): Infrastruktur-Arbeit. Kulturtechniken und Zeitlichkeit der Erhaltung. Berlin: Kadmos.

Schabacher, Gabriele (forthcoming) (co-ed. with Franziska Reichenbecher): Medien des Gatekeeping. Akteure, Architekturen, Prozesse. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Schabacher, Gabriele (forthcoming): “In Control of Algorithms: Human-Machine Relations at the Train Station.” In: Christiane Voss/Lorenz Engell (eds.), Anthropologies of Entanglements – Media and Modes of Existence. London u.a.: Bloomsbury, 151–168.

Schabacher, Gabriele (2021): “Time and Technology: The Temporalities of Care.” In: Axel Volmar/Kyle Stine (eds.), Media Infrastructures and the Politics of Digital Time: Essays on Hardwired Temporalities. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 55–75.

Schabacher, Gabriele (2019): “Staged Wrecks: The Railroad Crash between Infrastructural Lesson and Amusement.” In: Matthias Korn/Wolfgang Reißmann/Tobias Röhl/David Sittler (eds.), Infrastructuring Publics, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 185–206.

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